Wednesday 8 May 2013

Welcome to "Talking Pselaphinae". This blog is all about Pselaphinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), a subfamily of small beetles, normally less than 2.5mm in length. What makes Pselaphinae so interesting is their beautiful, highly variable morphology and being very speciose with 9,000-10,000 known worldwide . Also  some groups of Pselaphinae are myrmecophilous, living commensally with ants. 

I will  be discussing recent topical research in a range of areas including evolution, systematics, biology, ecology and behaviour. If you have any questions or topics of interest around Psaliphinae, just let me know.

Habitus of Taiwanophodes minor. Scale: 1.0 mm. This was sourced from under the Wikipedia Commons licence.


  1. From here it looks like an acorn. Up closer it looks more like a furry acorn. No, kidding, they are beautiful! Like polished, intricately ornamented wood. I can see why you like them.

  2. Hello, I am a fan of entomology from Italy and I'm very interested in the world of pselaphini. There is a possibility to do some exchange of these insects ?
    Or, you can have some publication (PDF) of your specimen?

    Thanks anyway
    Loris (

    P.S. I am sorry for my terrible English

    1. Hi Loris,

      I am working on Pselaphinae several years, I have nice collection from central Europe. Can you send me your list of species which you can offer to Than, I can offer you something for exchange from my collection.
      Thank you.
